Directional Quick Start Guide
A Directional DNS Record represents a Directional Load Balancing (DIR) Pool, which is a collection of records configured to use your geographic location or Source IP address to determine a response. Directional segments and optimizes traffic based on the location or the source IP of the end user anywhere on the globe. Directional features include:
Configuration Rules
Create any Resource Distribution/SiteBacker/Traffic Controller pools first if you plan to route traffic for a region or group of regions to the RD/SB/TC pools.
Directional pools on the zone apex (for example, the zone) cannot contain CNAME records. Combinations of A and CNAME records or AAAA and CNAME records are allowed in the same pool.
The record type “No Response” is available for all pools, but other record types may only exist in their own pool. The No Response record blocks traffic from specified regions by returning No Error, No Response.
Create a Directional Pool
Select Domains from the navigation menu, and search for/select your domain.
Click on the record type to create the pool, and then click Add Pool.
Select Directional from the Pool Type drop-down menu.
Creating Pool Records
After creating a pool, click the Add button to associate additional records to the pool. Select the Record Type from the drop-down menu, provide the required details, and then click Add a Group.
You can associate a Subpool as a Record Type and link an existing pool with configured Geolocation or SourceIP data as well. The Points To section will instead link back to the existing Pool details.
Create New Group - allows you to specify the regions or source IP ranges from which queries are responded with the record / CNAME / Sub Pool.
Assign Global Group - presents a list of configured account-level Global Directional Group templates.
All Non-Configured Regions - aggregates all regions or source IP ranges that are not explicitly assigned to another group in the pool. This group is automatically updated as regions are added or removed from other groups in the pool.
On the Available Regions drill-down menu, select a parent region and then select child territories as well as states/provinces for granular responses, or apply the parent region to include all child locations by default. For Source IP, select the method for applying IP addresses to the record, and then provide the specific IP addresses in the selected format.