Web Forwarding
The UltraDNS Web Forward service allows you to redirect HTTP traffic from one target to another. Forwarding services are invaluable tools for companies that own or acquire multiple brands, or have purchased many variations of their domain names to protect their brand identity.
UltraDNS Forwarding services allow you to:
Point your Domain, sub-Domain or Directory to another, existing Internet location.
Capture or append domains, directories and strings using Wildcards.
Specify Framed, 301, 302, 303 and 307 redirects.
HTTP Header redirects.
Configure outbound forwarding to both HTTP and HTTPS.
UltraDNS supports HTTP to HTTP or HTTP to HTTPS forwarding. UltraDNS does not support HTTPS to HTTP or HTTPS to HTTPS forwarding. |
The UltraDNS Web Forwarding service supports redirection based on HTTP Header information defined in RFC 4229 and RFC 2616. |
Web Forwarding supports five types of redirects:
301 - Permanent redirect
302 - Found or Unspecified redirect
303 - Other type of redirect (typically related to scripting)
307 - Temporary redirect
Framed - Creates an invisible frame set and loads the destination URL in the frame, thus making it more difficult to determine that a redirection has occurred.
The disadvantage to this approach is that any bookmarks created by the user while navigating the site will point to the home page of the original URL.
A Web Forwarding record consists of the following fields:
Requests To
Redirects To
Relative Forward
Requests To
You can use the wildcard character * in the string. Using a wildcard on a redirection record tells the server to match the most specific string, and then append any unmatched portion of the source URL to the target URL.
Redirects To
The Redirects To field specifies the domain, site, directory or page to which you want to redirect. You can use the wildcard character * in the string.
The Type field specifies the type of redirect (301, 302, 303, 307, Framed, or Advanced).
Relative Forward
The Relative forwarding option appends the path, parameter or both from the incoming URL to the FORWARDED TO URL you provided.
For example, if you have selected Relative Forward with:
Host Name www.example.com
FORWARDED TO URL of https://www.mydomain.com/documents?a=guide#toc
Incoming URL is: www.example.com/images?c=logo#tab1
The following will occur based up on the Relative Forward type:
Path - the response would be https://www.mydomain.com/documents/images?a=guide#toc
Incoming Path ‘/images’ is appended to FORWARDED TO Path ‘documents’. The incoming parameter is discarded.
Parameter - the response would be https://www.mydomain.com/documents?a=guide&c=logo#toc
Incoming Parameter ‘?c=logo’ is appended to FORWARDED TO parameter ‘?a=guide’. The incoming path is discarded.
Parameter & Path - the response would be https://www.mydomain.com/documents/images?a=guide&c=logo#toc
Incoming Parameter and Path are both appended to the FORWARDED TO URL in the appropriate locations.
Create a Web Forwarding Record:
Click on Domains from the left-hand navigation menu, and select your Domain.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and click Add Record for Web Forwarding.
Provide the Requests To, Redirects To, and the Type, and then use the slider bar to indicate if the Web Forwarding record will have Relative Forwarding.
Relative Forward appends a portion of the incoming URL to the Redirects To URL you provided by using one of the three selection methods:
Path – the incoming parameter is discarded.
Parameter – the incoming path is discarded.
Both – the path and parameter are both appended appropriately.