A Name Server (NS) record provides authoritative server information for a (sub) domain.
Note: When you create or transfer a domain to UltraDNS, you will see two NS records created automatically: udns1.ultradns.net and udns2.ultradns.net. You cannot edit or delete these records. |
A note about Pagination: A grouping of Resource Records of the same type at the same owner/host name (for example, all NS Records at example.com.) is called a Resource Record Set (RRSet). In an effort to eliminate the truncation of RRsets across multiple pages on the portal, the records are sorted first by corresponding RRSet data and then by individual rdata (resource records) records, even if it means displaying more records than you currently have selected using the pagination drop-down menu. For instance, you may see there are 24 NS records displayed even though the pagination limit is set to 20. This is because the RRSet sorting exceeded the pagination limit.
An NS record consists of the following three fields:
Zone Delegation – The simple name of the subdomain for which the NS record is authoritative.
Name Server – The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Name Server (with or without the trailing dot).