The Usage Summary section provides two reports that display peak data statistics for an account. The Monthly Usage report provides response details for prior months, while the Projected Usage, provides an estimation of future responses based upon prior months (and days) response data. Reporting time-frames are returned using the GMT time zone.
Monthly Usage
The Monthly Usage Report displays key data for the last thirty-six months. Each month that is returned consists of domains counts, record type counts, and query statistics for the given account.
Please note that the UltraDNS Reports display host details in the following manner, which may impact the Query Responses value.
If a Hostname is "defined" (has a record in the domain), and there were no queries during the selected time frame, the host will not appear in the report details.
If a Hostname is "undefined" (does not have an active record in the domain), but was queried during the selected time frame, the hostname will appear in the report details. This could beneficial if customers are querying a hostname that could possibly be redirected to/from.
The following content for the report is displayed:
Domains - The peak (highest) number of domains that existed for your account during the month.
Records - The peak number of records that existed for your account.
Query Responses - The total number of DNS Query Responses that were served by your account.
URL Forward - The peak number of URL or Web Forwarding requests that existed for your account.
SB Records - The peak number of SiteBacker records that existed for your account.
TC Records - The peak number of Traffic Controller records that existed for your account.
Directional Records - The peak number of Directional Records/Pools that existed for your account.
When viewing the Usage Summary Report, you may see various colors displayed with your data. The following table provides an explanation of the different colors you may see, and any action (if any) required.
Usage Summary Report - Color Designations
Color |
Description / Action |
Red |
100% usage. Contract Threshold Exceeded. Contact UltraDNS Support immediately to increase the threshold. |
Orange |
90-99.9% usage. Contact UltraDNS Support to increase the threshold before usage is exceeded. |
Yellow |
80-89% usage. Usage near threshold. Monitor usage closely to avoid exceeding threshold. |
White |
<80% usage. No action needed at this time |
The bar chart for the Monthly Usage Report allows you to select a specific record type to either view a specific record type by hovering over the desired record type from the color coded key, or you can click on the specific record type to remove it from the chart entirely.
Additionally, you can hover over the chart to get a more detailed view of the results for the month.
Additionally, in the results table below the chart, you can click on an month in the left-hand column to see the Daily Usage Summary report month, where each day of the month will display the record results. Please note however, that the Daily Usage Summary view is only available for the last thirteen (13) months.
Much the same as the Monthly Usage view, you can hover over a record type to view only those results, or click on the record type to remove it from the chart.
A results table below the chart will display the record details for each day of the selected month.
To return to the Monthly Usage report view, click the Back button.
Projected Usage
The Projected Usage Report provides a snapshot of two projected monthly volume reports based on a seven and thirty-day average query amount.
The MTD Projections vs. Daily Responses chart displays the month-to-day (MTD) extrapolation of your daily responses for the calendar month, and provides a projection of expected responses based upon the current trends and response counts. You can hover over a data point on the chart to view the exact number of queries for the selected day, or review the table below for a day-by-day response count.
The MTD Projections vs Avg TTL chart displays the MTD extrapolation of the average TTL values for your responses for the current month's responses, as well as providing a projected expectation of TTL values based upon the current trends and TTL values. You can hover over a data point on the chart to view the average TTL value for the selected day, or review the table below for the day-by-day Average TTL value.
Additionally, the Export option will provide the option for either an Excel or CSV file that contains the data on the screen.
UltraDNS2 Enabled Report Details
For those accounts that have the UltraDNS2 feature enabled, two new columns will be displayed: Query Responses UltraDNS and Query Responses UltraDNS2. These new columns offer users a quick view to see the traffic between the two networks, as well as seeing the total traffic.
Additionally, there are two new graph-lines on the chart that can be viewed and selected to narrow down the results to only the UltraDNS or UltraDNS2 network traffic details.
The Service Package details will span the UltraDNS and UltraDNS2 network rows as they are in an Active-Active configuration, and the resolution of the query (queries) can be resolved from either network at any point in time.
The Usage Summary Report for an UltraDNS2 enabled account can only return the last thirteen (13) months of data, whereas the standard UltraDNS Usage Summary Report returns thirty-six (36) months. The query amounts for the two columns will display the warning color coding scheme as outline in the Usage Summary Report - Color Designations table.
Additionally, when viewing the Daily Usage Summary Report, the new Query Responses UltraDNS and Query Responses UltraDNS2 columns will be displayed as well.