The Projected Query Volumes (PQV) report provides a snapshot of projected monthly volumes based on seven- and thirty-day average query amounts. The Projected Query Volumes Report can be found on the Dashboard of the UI Portal.
The details returned by the Projected Query Volume Report for a user that has access to multiple accounts will be consolidated across all accounts. Reporting time-frames are returned using the GMT time zone.
The PQV report is displayed using the following parameters: Daily Responses and the Current Day of Month. You can hover over each data point in the chart to view the specific daily response value for the given date. The data is broken down into the following categories:
Daily Responses – The captured responses for the day.
MTD Responses – The month to day responses.
Projected MTD Resp – Based upon the previous day’s averages, projects what the next seven days response count will be.
Projected MTD Resp – Based upon previous day’s averages, projects what the next 30-day average will be. This number will change as additional data for the month is captured.