The Failover Report displays the details for failover and/or failback events that occurred for an account, within a provided time frame as well as the reason the event occurred. Reporting time-frames are returned using the GMT time zone.
Filtering Options
Additionally, the Failover Report allows you search by a variety of custom filters to return failover and/or failback results for an account within a designated time period (30-day range). The following are the available filter types that can be applied to the Failover Report search results.
From Date - Select a beginning date for the report that is no more than 90 days prior to today’s date using the calendar feature or typing the date and time in manually.
To Date - Select an ending date for the report that is no more than 30 days apart from the From Date. The To Date will default to today’s date if not specified.
Account Name - Select an account name that you have permission to access to view the report details for.
Zone Name - Provide a zone name to retrieve the Failover Report results for. The Zone Name field will return results based on a partial-search match.
For example, searching for zone AB will return zone AB, ABC, ABCD etc.
Pool Name - Provide a pool name to retrieve the Failover Report results for. The Pool Name field will return results based on a partial-search match.
Pool Type - Use the drop-down menu to only return results for the selected Pool type.
Pool Record - Provide a specific record’s details within a pool to retrieve the Failover Report results for. The Pool Record field will return results based on a partial-search match.
Pool Record Type – Use the drop-down menu to only return results for the selected Pool Record Type.
Once you have selected your custom filter options, click the Apply Filter button.
Failover Events Log
The Failover Events log returns the results for all Failover / Failback events that occurred for the selected account (or customized search filters selected). Clicking the Export button will create a .csv file with all the Failover Events Log details for the selected search filter criteria. The following details are returned int he Failover Events Log:
Failover Time - The time when a Failover/Failback event occurred.
Record - The IP address or host name for the record impacted by the event.
Records in WHITE indicate a normal record.
Records in BLUE indicate an inactive All-Fail Record.
Records in Orange indicate an active All-Fail Record.
Pool - The name of the pool that the record belongs to that was involved in the event.
Zone - The name of the zone that was related to the event.
Reason – The reason that triggered the event. Clicking on the reason will provide a description of the reason, as well as providing hyperlinks to related configuration and/or report details.
State – The state of the record AFTER the event occurred (either Activated or Inactivated).
Status – The status or health of the pool record AFTER the event occurred.
The following list displays the possible Reason categories that could have triggered the Failover/Failback event, as well as a description of the reason type.
Undo Manual Failover - This flip was caused by undo manual failover.
Undo Force Fail - The 'Force State' of the record was changed from 'Force Fail' to 'Normal'.
Undo Force Active - The 'Force State' of the record was changed from 'Force Active' to 'Normal'
Serve Primary -The 'Serving Preference' of the pool was changed to 'Serve Primary'.
Serve All Fail -The 'Serving Preference' of the pool was changed to 'Serve All Fail'.
Probe Success -Your site was found to be recovered from the configured agents.
Probe Failure - Your site was found to be unavailable from the configured agents.
Pool Recovered - One or more priority records of the pool went live due to either your site's recovery or configuration changes.
Pool Outage - Priority records of the pool went down due to your site's unavailability or configuration changes.
Max-Active Configuration - This flip occurred in order to maintain maximum active records in the pool.
Manual Failover - This flip was caused by manual failover.
Force Fail - The 'Force State' of the record was changed to 'Force Fail'.
Force Active - The 'Force State' the of record was changed to 'Force Active'.
Auto Select - The 'Serving Preference' of the pool was changed to 'Auto Select'.