The Host Response Report displays the number of responses sent for hosts from a specified region. Reporting time-frames are returned using the GMT time zone.
As this is an Advanced Report, Accounts that have not opted in to the Advanced Reporting feature will see different reporting details than those accounts that have enabled Advanced Reporting.
Additionally, please note that the UltraDNS Reports display host details in the following manner, which may impact the Query Responses value.
If a Hostname is "defined" (has a record in the domain), and there were no queries during the selected time frame, the host will not appear in the report details.
If a Hostname is "undefined" (does not have an active record in the domain), but was queried during the selected time frame, the hostname will appear in the report details. This could beneficial if customers are querying a hostname that could possibly be redirected to/from.
For those accounts that have Advanced Reporting enabled, the Host Response Report provides the following details:
Zone Name - The zone name that was queried.
Host Name - The specific hostname.
Responses - The total number of responses for the query.
Client Class C - The Class C Network from which the dns queries originated.
QType - The Query Type that was identified.
City - The specific city in which the response originated.
Postal Code - The postal code (zip code) for the identified city.
Region - The region within the country.
Country - The country in which the response originated.
Answer - The response that was returned for the query.
Client IP - The IP Address identified that performed the query.
For those accounts that DO NOT have Advanced Reporting enabled, the Host Response report will display the following details:
Zone Name - The zone name that was queried.
Host Name - The specific hostname.
Responses - The total number of responses for the query.
QType - The Query Type that was identified.
Country - The country in which the response originated.
Answer - The response that was returned for the query.
Search and Filters
Date Range
The current date (determined by GMT time zone) cannot be selected for this report. |
The Date Range search feature allows you to select a customized date range to view the Host Response Report for. By default, the previous day's date will be used to populate the report, until a custom date range is selected.
The date range cannot exceed more than 7 days, and cannot be more than 90 days prior to today's date. Clicking in the Date Range search field allows you to select the desired date range, and will highlight the allowable dates in which you can search.
Zone Name
The Zone Name search field allows you to select a specific zone name, or select multiple zone names to view the query responses for. A maximum of 100 zones can be selected. After you click in the Zone Name field, the Available column will display all of the zones for the account(s) that you have access to. You can double click on a Zone Name to add it to the Selected column, or click multiple Zone Names and select the right-facing single arrow to move all of the selected Zone Names to the Selected column.
Additionally, clicking the Edit button allows you to copy + paste a list of Zone Names in a free-text field. Please note, each Zone Name must be entered as a single-line entry (commas, tabs, or spaces will not be supported between Zone Names).
If a Zone Name is provided that you do not have access to, a “No records found” message will be displayed.
Account Name
If you have access to more than one account, the Account Name filter option will appear, providing a window allowing you to select an Account, or multiple Accounts for which you have access to. Similar to how the Zone Name function operates, you can add any of the Account Names from the Available list to the Selected list.
For users with access to only one account, the Account Name label displays the current Account Name that you have access to, and for which the report details are being displayed.
Click the Apply button to refresh the Host Response Report with your selected search criteria. To remove the selected criteria, click the Reset button, and then Apply to reload the report without any additional search criteria.
You can click on the Export button to generate a .CSV file that will return up to 10,000 records (rows).
Select Columns
The Select Columns button allows you to configure the columns of data that are displayed in the table.
Requested On
The Requested On details will display the last time the report was generated for the selected account.