- Log into UltraDNS
- Click Domains
- Click the domain that you are adding the TXT record to
- Click the +Add Record in the TXT records section
Enter host, points to, and TTL
- Host - The domain name
- Comments - Freeform ASCII text
- TTL - Time to Live. How long in seconds the record is cached on the recursive servers
- Click Save
- This pop up box will show listing the other TXT records with the same hostname and by default has the top record selected
- The Select Pool Type by default is selected to None so If you want to create as a stand-alone TXT record, then don’t touch the drop down and press the Save button
Additional Information
TXT record type is used to create other DNS records:
- SPF records (SPF deprecated; is the same as TXT)
- FB/Google/Microsoft verification
<![iIf you notice a \010 between characters or at the end of the Comments value, double check if there's a space by pressing the delete or backspace button until there's no spaces after.